When we talk about having “authority” within an industry or market, we’re talking about being known as a trusted, knowledgeable expert in that area. Once you’ve achieved authority, you won’t need to pursue clients; the clients will come to you. But establishing that kind of authority doesn’t happen overnight. How do you get there? One…
The article provides 3 simple fundamentals for enterprise selling. In order to simplify the complex sale you need a framework to help a prospect decide quickly. Read this article now.
Solving for attendance in schools is complex and requires interaction with a range of education stakeholders. Stan found a method to interact with the decision-makers and have better conversations.
This article tells the story of a web designer who conquered her fear of selling. She is an introvert. Therefore, a career that forced Courtney to focus on traditional sales practices was far outside her comfort zone. Good news, she figured it out. Read on.
Lynn took 20 years of marketing experience focused it into a niche market. Read her process and backstory here
This article is a case study on how to become an education consultant. It profiles a middle school consultant and the services he offered to grow his business
I’m going to explain the B2B keyword research process in simplest terms. Expect to outline your best B2B keyword strategies and see the steps using my own experience. To increase sales and gain clients, you need to drive traffic to your website. To drive traffic to your website, you need content that includes specific SEO (search engine optimization) keywords. And to find the best keywords, you need to research.
Scaling equals making more money with less effort. You have hit the billable hour wall. You have hit the personal bandwidth wall. You’ve hit the profitability wall. You just can’t seem to find a way to make more money without mentally going crazy. So you need a picture of growing your consulting business while respecting your personal bandwidth. It’s time for you to scale up.
The typical conversation outline pits you against the CEO. It’s adversarial. Nobody likes it. This article describes a more peaceful way of having a profitable conversation.
How to package a great consulting service. Selling isn’t just what you say. The offer itself needs to be easy to understand and easy to buy. This article gives you a simple structure