We are a community of consultants who charge for the value we provide, not the time we spend.

Package, Price, and Sell Consulting Services Without Depending on Hourly Rates

We are "doing the work" of Productizing and Celebrating Our Results.


Dear B2B Consultant,

I am excited at the chance to serve you because we make it nearly impossible for you to fail.

Join our membership and today could be the last day you worry about how to package, price, and promote consulting services. You can officially eliminate hourly pricing from your business and charge for the true value of your expertise.

In fact, I guarantee your results


In fact, I am SO confident in your results I back up this claim with a two-part guarantee:

  • In 7 days, you will have a new Client Avatar - a complete profile of your very best client along with core messaging templates to resonate with them
  • In 30 days, you will have a Potential Client Pipeline - a list of interested prospects excited to engage with you about your new premium-priced service

You get both things in 30 days - or your money back.

You are supported every step of the way with a customized onboarding process, specific productizing software, dedicated tools to track your progress, and access to me (as the leader of the group).

every single member gets

  • Our dedicated onboarding specialist, Taylor Bell - to get you up to speed quickly
  • "The Productizer" - Special software to help you package your expertise into a premium offer
  • "The Expert's Ecosystem" - Step-by-step process to turn your content into a evergreen lead machine
  • Pipeline Scoring Sheet - A simple framework to measure the strength of your pipeline to attract new leads
  • Access to me, Alzay Calhoun, via direct message - to answer strategic questions and provide feedback
  • Weekly group coaching calls to share wins and support - learn from the successes, failures, wins, and losses of others

All you have to do is follow the Productizing Checklist available in the members area.

Everything is laid out for you step-by-step.

Excited to begin,

Alzay Calhoun
Productizing Expert

"I continue to get value from this group."

– August Ball, Diversity Consultant at Cream City Conservation

Membership Has it's Privileges

The success of every member is built on 3 things

ONE: a productized service with a fixed scope, time, and price.

Every community member is building their business around a core productized service with a fixed scope, time, and price. You will choose from one of three categories and customize accordingly: done-for-you (agency services), done-with-you (coaching services), or do-it-yourself (digital products).
How we measure success: A profitable productized service has 8 critical elements. Your membership includes access to The Productizer, our AI-powered proprietary software tool to help you design these elements according to the needs of your business. Once you complete The Productizer, you will have:

  • A base structure (series of milestones) for all of your customers to follow
  • A standard operating procedure (SOP) checklist for you and your team to execute the service
  • A premium price that values your expertise
  • Appropriate support options for your customers so your service feels "safe" to buy
  • Attractive, "easy" elements so your customers feel like results come with minimal effort
  • A results-based, risk-reversal guarantee you feel comfortable offering to new customers
  • ...and more


"...and now we are able to say 28 days, 10 steps, 80 tasks. This price. Would you like one?"

- Adam Fairhead, Fairhead Creative

TWO: a content-based inbound lead generation strategy.

Every community member is creating relevant, respectful, and professional content pieces to attract clientele interested in their work. No spam posts. No salacious emails. No content hamster wheel. No algorithm hacks.

How we measure success: Our content-based inbound lead generation strategy is built off 7 pieces of content. Your membership includes access to "The Expert's Ecosystem", a step-by-step process to turn your content into an evergreen lead machine. Once you complete The Expert's Ecosystem, you will have:

  • 7 pieces of authority building, lead-generating content
  • A relevant call-to-action for each person who views the content
  • Clear instructions on where (and how) to post the content
  • Base metrics to evaluate your sales funnel: impressions, clicks, leads, sales, etc
  • ...and more


"More people are looking and responding at my message..."

- Tre Gammage Education Consultant, SEL Educators

THREE: "Doing the work" with supportive colleagues.

Every community member is a member of a community. We are interested in how you learn, progress, contribute, and engage. The community celebrates/appreciates with you during high times - and provides encouragement/perspective for you during low times.

How we measure success: We track individual member engagement and progress.  As a member of the community, you will be introduced to:

  • "The Most Important Thing" concept - a framework we use to keep conversations focused on what matters
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls - a chance to "see" everyone and "hear" their progress in their own words
  • Direct feedback via community forum - post a question and get a response from other experienced members
  • Quarterly Reviews and Wrap-Ups - to keep your short-term efforts aligned with your long-term goals
  • Accountability Call-Outs - if you have something "due", we aren't afraid to call you out about it (professionally) 😁
  • ...and more

"The community is a big part of the value"

-Betsaida Lebron CEO at Improve EQ

How does this work?

You are supported at every step

Support Element 1: Personalized Onboarding Process

What this is: Meet Taylor Bell, our onboarding specialist, who will work with you 1-on-1 to make sure your first 30 days are most productive.

What it does for you: You "hit the ground" running in the first 30 days. Taylor gets you familiar with every tool and template contained in the community.

She makes sure you schedule your weekly group coaching calls, watch the introductory workshop, download the productizing checklist, and know how to get direct access to me.



Support Element 2: Virtual Team

What this is: We've transformed our traditional "coursework" into a series of proprietary, AI-powered software tools. These tools are your "team of experts" to help you execute more quickly.

What it does for you: The The Virtual Team specializes in creating maximum output from your minimum input. You can customize templates, re-shape content,  and iterate on your services much faster - because the Virtual Team does the heavy lifting for you.


Support Element 3: Honest Feedback from Colleagues

What this is: A feedback loop to share your progress, challenges, and ideas with other experienced consultants.

What it does for you: Your peers are your sounding board, providing a realistic assessment of your strategies. This ensures that you're not working in isolation and your thoughts are vetted by those who have walked a similar path. This valuable feedback loop allows you to refine your approach, avoid common pitfalls, and capitalize on effective strategies more quickly.


Success Element 4: Direct Response from Me

What this is: As a member, you get direct access to me, Alzay Calhoun, through private messaging and weekly group coaching calls.

What it does for you: This ensures you have a direct line to an experienced coach who can provide immediate and personalized feedback. Get timely and specific advice tailored to your unique challenges and goals. Whether you need strategic guidance, answers to pressing questions, or a second opinion on your approach, I'm here to help.


What Qualifies Me to Lead this Group?

This membership is where I invest the majority of my time. When most people reach out for coaching services, they want to work with me specifically. Since I am only one person, there is no way I can satisfy that demand. However, this community represents the single most powerful, long-term resource I can offer to help you reach your goals.

The truth is: a successful, thriving consulting business requires a lot of skills, many projects, and the willingness to iterate and improve over time. In order to navigate this well, you need intentionally curated information, organized into a step-by-step action plan. That plan is provided here.

Further, I am an active part of this community. I respond to member messages, interact in the discussion area, host weekly live sessions, and create new tools and course material. I wish a resource like this was available to me when I got started, but I'm glad it exists now - and I'm glad I am able to make it available to you.

My business has been "productized" for 15 years. Over 15 years ago, I ran a small marketing agency where everything was custom-built for each client. The clients were great, but the work was terrible. Unpaid custom proposals, senseless scope creep, and shrinking profit margins with longer hours worked. It was all terribly inefficient.

I slowly started to structure and systemize things according to how *I knew* they should work—in order to be fair to me and the client. This effort is called productizing, and my decision to productize, permanently changed my business for the better. I expect the same result for you.

Coaching is my preferred business model. In the transition above, I learned (and admitted to myself) that I was more comfortable—and more excited about—serving my clients as a "coach" instead of an "agency." For the next 12 years, I continued the journey of productizing the marketing, sales, and delivery of my intangible "coaching" advice.

I've learned the best coaches aren't just smart, experienced advisors. They also support their advice with repeatable systems and documented strategies. In other words, the best coaches offer a combination of done-for-you (agency) and done-with-you (coaching).

I have over a decade of navigating the nuance, art, and science of productizing advice. I'm excited to offer that insight to you.

My business is driven by content marketing and inbound leads. I started the Coveted Consultant YouTube Channel over 12 years ago. At the time, I did not plan to become a video expert in any way. I was just hoping I could "post some content and get leads." Since then, I've made over 477 videos...

I can plainly say my YouTube channel (and dedication to content-based inbound marketing) is the most profitable decision I've made in regards to attracting new clientele.

I’ve learned a LOT about content, marketing, lead generation, and sales. In short, I understand how content creates clients. I want you to benefit from content marketing - without the cost of 12 years and 400+ YouTube videos. I’ve done the hard and heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

"I didn't *see* it until *you* acknowledged it. Thank you."

-Fran Frye Coach at Fran Frye LLC

Additional Training Available in The Vault

Whenever the community expresses a need I create a system or course in response. Here are some of the courses the community has access to in "The Vault".

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Here's what students say about The Vault...

Our members get results

Working alone, we often lack the discipline to push ourselves.

Do you remember high school? I was in the marching band and played basketball – there was a LOT of training involved in both.

The great thing about organized activities is that you have a coach. You have teammates. Your coach and your teammates hold you accountable and push you beyond your comfort zone to reach your potential.

Your full potential is unlocked with the right support system.

Whether you want to upgrade your service, create better content, or drive more leads – this environment provides the accountability and push you need to achieve your potential and leverage the best of your abilities.

This is an intentionally structured environment designed to get your results.
And results you will have.

"I've got more proposals than I can keep up with..."

- Tre Gammage, Education Consultant SEL Educators

But our community isn't for everyone

Things we do

  • We build a business that matches our chosen lifestyle
  • We have the courage to publish imperfect things so we can learn
  • We trust the fundamentals. We don't rush into bad decisions.
  • We talk about what we know about. We don't stretch the truth to impress others
  • We value hard work and appreciate intentional rest
  • We celebrate as a community. When one of us wins, all of us win.

Things we don't do

  • We don’t make decisions based on the latest marketing fads.
  • We don’t prioritize vanity metrics over meaningful results.
  • We don’t jump on every new software tool without thorough evaluation.
  • We don’t spend our days chasing algorithm changes.
  • We don’t follow trends that don’t align with our core strategies.
  • We don’t keep our wins to ourselves.

"You still have a responsibility to the community..."

-Elon Lindsay, Consultant JANI Consulting

Highly-vetted and designed to stay small

This community is designed to feel, like a community.

We are intentionally growing in phases to make sure the community works as it should.

Every member has an action plan.
Every member can measure their progress.
Every member feels support supported.

Are there spots available? Please see below. Take the assessment to see if you are "ready" for an experience like this.

Current spots taken: 11 of 13

"Get in while the getting is good..."

– Linda Johnson, Executive Coach at Linda Johnson Solutions LLC

Choose Your Plan

Tier 1

$ 1,500 per quarter
  • 30 Day Intensive
  • Access to The Productizer
  • Access to The Expert's Ecosystem
  • Access to The Content Vault
  • Quarterly Review Process
  • Community Access
  • Access to Alzay Calhoun via private messenger

Tier 2

$ 5,000 per year
  • 30 Day Intensive
  • Access to The Productizer
  • Access to The Expert's Ecosystem
  • Access to the The Content Vault
  • Quarterly Review Process
  • Community Access
  • Access to Alzay Calhoun via private messenger
  • 1:1 Onboarding Call with Alzay Calhoun

"All of this happened after I submitted the paper clarity to you..."

- Amin Aleem CEO Cornerstone Bookkeeping and Accounting


Here are the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

"For the first time ever, I feel closer to a CEO than a time-strapped, no-personal life having, self-employed diversity evangelist!"

-August Ball Diversity Consultant, Cream City Conservation
