57 Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Clients: Resource Guide

Welcome to this resource guide for dealing with difficult clients.

No matter what your consulting business looks like eventually you will deal with difficult clients. Clients can be angry, overwhelmed, price sensitive, demanding, secretive, and the list goes on...

Still, regardless of your scenario, it is ultimately your response that determines the final outcome of your engagement. This resource guide includes best practices from a variety of industries on how to engage difficult clients in a successful way.

This is a lengthy resource so I've included a video to help you find the content most relevant to you. Watch video, enjoy the guide, and download it for later.

FREE GUIDE: What do You Say to a Difficult Client?

There are three types of difficult clients. Know the difference. Know what to say - Click here to download the difficult clients guide

Short Guides

These short guides use stories and situations to highlight how to handle difficult clients. Take a look and see which resonates with you most.

Slideshares and Infographics

This articles in this section take a more visual approach. Each includes either a Slideshare presentation or infographic to illustrate how to deal with difficult clients. If you are a visual learner, this section is for you.

"How To" Articles

As you browse these "how to" articles you will get a good sense of how difficult clients are handled in a variety of different situations. Review the strategies and see which make the most sense for you and your consulting services.

Some times, you are just looking for one good idea to fill a specific gap in your approach to handling difficult clients. The articles below were written to provide a number of ideas for you to choose from. Review the titles, scan the descriptions, and click on the article you believe has the missing piece you need.

Download a PDF of this Resource Guide

Don't leave without getting a copy of this guide to take with you. --> download the resource guide here


  1. Michelle Brammer on September 14, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    This is such an important topic for both the customer and the agency. Thanks so much for including eZanga’s article in your round-up!

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