How to Write a Client-Attracting B2B Case Study
This article provides a template for how to write a b2b case study. The classic testimonial is too short. The entire story is too long. Give your prospect just enough information to choose you.
Read MoreHow to Sell Facebook Marketing Services
You sell Facebook marketing services. That may include placing ads on Facebook, managing content, or both. There is no doubt that you are an expert in the Facebook platform, but your sales process may be a bit haphazard. It may be a bit unpredictable. You may not have a process at all. So, how should…
Read MoreTY Bennett Storytelling: Step-by-Step Strategy for Influence
Ty speaks on leadership, influence and storytelling. His books – The Power of Influence and The Power of Storytelling: The Art of Influential Communication – are used in graduate courses at multiple universities including MIT. In a hurry? Click this link to —>download the interview transcription Alzay Calhoun: Hello, everyone, it’s Alzay Calhoun with Coveted…
Read MoreDoug Lipman: Business Storytelling Strategies for a Criminal Defense Attorney
Doug Lipman is a storytelling coach helping people tell clear and commanding stories. He is the author Improving Your Storytelling: Beyond the Basics for All Who Tell Stories in Work and Play. In a hurry? Click this link to —> download the interview transcription Alzay Calhoun: Well, hello, everyone. It’s Alzay Calhoun with Coveted Consultant.…
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